Automated business system – Exemplary case studies from industry leaders KinCloud Editor November 4, 2022

Automated business system – Exemplary case studies from industry leaders

Automated business system - Exemplary case studies from industry leaders

The huge benefits of automated business systems have been widespread in today’s business world. Whether it is truly advantageous in real cases is still a question for many newcomers. Therefore, to alleviate their concern and clearly prove the power of automated business systems, we are here to bring real examples of industry leaders, who have adopted automation and get unbelievable achievements.

Get Useful Lessons From Remarkable Examples Of Automated Business Systems


Automated business system - Exemplary case studies from industry leaders

First, we start with Adidas, which is a leader in the sports stuff industry and have a busy sales network over the world. Having a current separate operation, which needs more connection among different departments such as eCommerce, marketing, finance, retail, etc. Adidas has adopted automation to bridge the gap and shorten the time for order fulfillment, then customers can receive shipments within 3 days. By utilizing automated workflows, they can reduce the time for onboarding a factory by half, minimize cost for the supply chain by 60% and shorten contract approval processes to one week. 

AEON Credit Service

Automated business system - Exemplary case studies from industry leaders

AEON Credit Service offers financial products which need reliable and persuasive ways to communicate which customers. AEON utilizes automated business systems to speed up the process of capturing new customers’ information and procedures for issuing new credits. As the nature of financial services, this company used a large amount of paper for different processes, which is hard to manage and keep track of. Utilizing automation has helped them reduce the time to acquire new customers to only 5 minutes, and also offers customers new credits within hours. Moreover, automation makes them go paperless, as their new system can handle all the documents, information, and data that are feasibly followed and controlled.

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Automated business system - Exemplary case studies from industry leaders

Audi has adopted automation from their manufacturers and they decide to continue this journey for business administrative and selling activities. As they are selling luxury products, they are focusing on enhancing selling transparency and fraud detection. A new automation system offers quick approval from more than 20 departments of a new order, to avoid scams and speed up the order fulfillment process. Audi also takes advantage of an automated business system to manage financial activities, which allows buyers to divide their payments into small parts under the company’s visible tracking and controlling.


Automated business system - Exemplary case studies from industry leaders

Generali is also a notable example of an automated business system. Initially, they wanted to adopt automation to internal workflows, including processing documents or service delivery to reduce the operating cost. However, the outcomes of utilizing automated Business System goes beyond their expectation. They have reduced the time for possessing different offers by up to 50% and thus they can serve more customers at the same time. For the initial goal, they can save 60% of their operating cost which considerably increased their profits.


Automated business system - Exemplary case studies from industry leaders

Running as the third party for many businesses and customers DHL has adopted a tomato business system to handle busy working processes. The system has attracted more than 300,000 users around the world who can access and proceed with their own procedures. Most of the tasks can be automated on the system so DHL only needs to keep track and navigate the performance of each shipping process and ensure on-schedule delivery to vendors by centralized management. 

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Integration can make a business truly thrive, even by optimizing simple day-to-day tasks. If you’re looking for a simple and effective automation solution, contact KinCloud to receive expert consultancy about automation and other solutions for your business growth.